I will have more cherries please!

When spring approaches, I develop serious wardrobe mono-obsessions: last year I wanted to fill my wardrobe with Japanese cherry blossoms; this year it’s fruits… So when I saw this amazing cherry fabric on the Croftmill website, I took it as a sign that is was time to start working on my fruit Spring collection… My […]

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First Vogue disappointment: the V8997 dress

You would think that the more you sew, the wiser you become at choosing your projects and the fewer fails you have  – well, not for me! I have recently noticed that a series of good projects get followed by a series of disappointments: not just one, but two or three things that just don’t […]

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Cara: quick, easy… but not hugely satisfactory!

I have been looking for the perfect shift dress pattern for a while, in particular to use up my wool jersey stash. So when I saw the Cara dress from La Maison Victor (Nov-Dec 2018), I got very excited: clean shapes, nicely fitted at the top, only four pieces to put together, the perfect match […]

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The skirt of my dreams: La Bohème by Vanessa Pouzet

When Vanessa Pouzet published her latest skirt pattern La Bohème, I got slightly over-excited: the pattern was published on Thursday night, my skirt sewn on Friday morning, photographed by my 8 year-old son on Friday afternoon and blogged on Saturday  – you must think that I am completely crazy! But appart from the fact that this pattern […]

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