Sewing the Brooklyn Jacket by Charm Patterns

I seem to be sewing things in multiples lately. And I have also been extensively optimising my Charm patterns Patreon membership! So after my three Swing Coats, let me introduce you to my two recently sewn Brooklyn Jackets. Continuing to build my Mrs Maisel wardrobe As I mentioned in my previous article, I have recently […]

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Sewing the Swing Coat by Charm Patterns

The winter has finally arrived in London, with a clear sky and sub zero temperatures… And thankfully I am fully prepared! Let me introduce you to not just one… not just two… by three newly-sewn Swing Coats by Charm Patterns. Dreaming of a Marvellous Mrs Maisel wardrobe… I recently discovered the Prime Video series « The […]

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Sewing the M7974 dress for Autumn

I cannot believe I have neglected my beloved blog for so long! The weather has been for too gloomy for outside picture. And life has been busier and more stressful than ever (we are building a house, do I need to say more?)… Never mind, here I am with a new version of the M7974 […]

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Sewing a B6446 dress in pink and gold brocade

The transition to Autumn sewing has been slow on the blog. Life has been busy, with a very big project finally materialising – we are building a house and the construction is finally happening, hurrah!!! However, I have managed to find time to sew, and here is my latest make: a B6446 dress, in a […]

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