My second Blossom cardigan
I promised in my previous article about my white Blossom cardi that I would show you my second Blossom cardigan very shortly – so here it is, in coral pink.

My knitting is definitely becoming as repetitive-addictive as my sewing – oh well! This coral Blossom is a twin to its white brother, which I introduced in my previous article – so to avoid unnecessary repetition I refer you to this article for all details about how I hacked the Blossom jumper pattern into a cardigan. The only changes I made for the coral version are the following:
- The wool colour obviously: I knitted in double strand, using Drops Baby Merino 46 (Rose Tea) and Drops Kid Silk 32 (Strawberry). They match perfectly and end-up in this divine pink- orange coral, more orange than my usual but definitely a big colour crush!
- The bottom band, which I skipped – I started knitting directly with the lace to see what it would look like and I rather like the scalloped effect.

- The button and collar bands, which I knitted in reverse stockinette this time, thinking it would match better with the lace than the usual ribbing.

I think I love this coral cardigan as much as the white one – the coral is stunning, it is overly soft and comfy to wear, and my love for the Blossom lace is everlasting – one shawl, two jumpers, two cardis, where will it stop???…

Just for those who have not been as faithful to this blog as they should, here are my other Blossom creations – which one do you prefer? (click on the picture for each article about these knits)

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